Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Reading Campaign

Hey guys-Mark here. This month I'm going to be writing about the reading campaign. So basically the reading campaign is a reading goal that we have to meet in order to go to this fun celebration that we have at the end of the school year for those who meet or exceeded the goal. 

The reading goals for grades 3-6 are 3 fiction and 4 non fiction for first to third quarter. But in fourth quarter we only have to read 2 books each. Ya, I know what you’re thinking--that's so little bit! Well actually, we have to read 175 pages to equal one book. And yes we can read other things like articles. For 3rd grade 8 articles=1 book, 4th grade 10 articles=1 book, 5th grade is 13 articles= 1 book, and for sixth grade, 15 articles=1 book. 

We even have our own button to show off if we met or exceeded the goal. If you met, you get a silver star but if you exceed you get a gold star. For the design of the button, we have a drawing contest.  It's divided into two groups K-2 and 3-6 just to make things fair. This year my very own friend won the contest! Dhaydren!

And we even have our own chant! We chant it at every awards assembly. The teachers start it- WE LOVE TO READ, YES WE DO! TEACHERS LOVE TO READ, HOW ABOUT YOU!? Then it goes on to kindergarten-WE LOVE TO READ, YES WE DO! KINDERGARTEN LOVES TO READ, HOW ABOUT YOU?! Then they point to 1st graders and they chant except they say 1st grade and point to 2nd grade and so on and so on until 6th grade. And at the end, the whole entire school chants to their parents and say WE LOVE TO READ! YES WE DO! KEONE'ULA LOVES TO READ! YOU CAN TOO!!!!!! It's really fun because when each grade chants they try to compete with each other to see who's the loudest. But I’d say we're the loudest!

We have to be self-directed learners to meet/exceed our reading goal because it's up to us weather or not we want to read and become more knowledgeable. I recommend that you read. And even if you’re off of school, keep reading. I know I love to read. And you can too! 

By: Mark 

Posted by H102 Grade 6 Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class

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