Monday, September 30, 2013


BY: Mark Mori

How often do you exercise a week? 

Well anyway every Monday we have our P.E. class there we do fun physical activities like volleyball or dancing. You might think that we just exercise and that’s that, but you thought wrong! 6th grade always wants to exceed in everything we do.  For P.E., we are assigned FOUR hours of physical activity a week. All of this helps us to be BALANCED because we can level out our school work with physical activity.

That's a breeze though. Our teacher Mrs. Matsuura is always caring. If we do well on a day she will have an activity before school ends like freeze tag, or dancing. She does this because she always wants to ensure we get good grades and this helps us with logging in our physical P.E. hours. 
We played tag a few times and I even slipped in the mud! 

Exercise is important. Eating healthy helps stay fit. You also need to maintain your weight. You need at least 1 hour of physical activity a day to feel great and stay strong. But heads up before you exercise--you should stretch first because if you don't, you could get a cramp and that is never fun.

I play soccer. This helps me stay fit because at our practices, we do a lot of running and stretching. I like soccer because it is a fun and competitive way for me to stay fit and healthy. Also, it's good to give my hands a break and coordinate my feet and legs. Did you know that soccer is also known as football? It’s called that in other places like Europe. Do you play a sport? What is it? Comment below and let me know!

If you don't exercise often, you should start! Go outside and play ball or go walking with your friends. If you can't go outside, that shouldn't be an excuse--turn on the music and dance! Or if you are interested in a certain sport, encourage your parents to sign you up to a team like football, soccer, or swimming--there's so many. Also you can encourage your friends and/or family to exercise if they don't already.

My name is Mark. I enjoy skateboarding, swimming, surfing, soccer, and more. I am 11 and I have a sweet tooth. My favorite color is blue. My favorite food is pizza and cheese burgers.

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class

Are you ready to get a load of IB cards? Yes you are!

Are you ready to get a load of IB cards? Yes you are!

I’m going to talk about a little system where students in grade 6 get a lanyard with a ring. A student goes around the class looking at each student and seeing whether to give them an IB card.

In our class, you get IB cards if you are showing that you are really focused and working hard. Each card has an IB learner profile on it. IB learner cards are a system that our whole school does. They are profiles that we students should be doing all the time.

There are currently 10 IB Learner Profiles and they are: Caring, Principled, Open-minded, Knowledgeable, Reflective, Inquirer, Communicator, Balanced, Thinker, and Risk Taker.

For example, when a student goes around passing out these cards, he or she will look for a student showcasing an IB Learner Profile, Inquirer. He/she looks for students that ask questions, or asks for help. Also, if the card being passed out says Risk Taker, he/she looks for students that shares their work or presents a lot.

When we get these cards, we put it on the ring on the lanyard. Now, you might be thinking, why do we need these cards? Or, what is the purpose? Well, the main reason is to be a good role model and showcase our good attitudes around campus. We want to be great leaders!

Blurb about me:

Hey guys! I'm Jewel and I am in 6th grade. I am also 10 years old and I love hooping! Hooping is basically doing tricks and dances with a hula hoop. I also LOVE animals! Whenever I see an animal, I just go crazy!! They are just so CUTE!!! Another thing that I love is writing because it is one of the many ways that I can communicate with the people around the world! Remember, I'm Jewel and always Live, Laugh, and Love <3

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Do you know what IB lanyards are?

IB lanyards are lanyards that catch us showcasing an IB Learner Profile or Attitude. Students in Mrs. Matsuura’s class get this laminated card that explains what IB learner profiles you portrayed and it also shows a picture of it. There is Caring, Principled, Open-Minded, Thinkers, Risk-Takers, Balanced, Inquires, Communicators, and others that you can get. We wear our lanyards with pride because we like to show others how great we are.

We get these cards by showing Mrs. Matsuura that we can be communicators by telling our ideas with others. We can also show how to be reflective by looking back on our work to think about it. We can show that we are risk takers because we always try new things. We always have integrity in ourselves. My friend Nicole shows how to be caring for others like how when I needed help on my homework, she helped me. My friend Zoe is an inquirer because Zoe asks too many questions and wonders a lot. We can be balanced by being all caught up with our work.

When we get a card we put it on our lanyard. We wait for our bunch of IB cards to get thicker and thicker! Mrs. Matsuura said that she might have to buy more lanyards soon because we earned so much! She said this was the first time that has happened! She looked very proud!

Our teacher opens a shop for the kids and we use the IB cards as tickets and get cool new stuff. It's so much fun!
My name is Joshua. I like to help others out, my favorite color is green, and I can be a bit goofy sometimes. Mrs. Matsuura always chooses me to help her because I always like to help!

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class
In H102, Mrs. Matsuura’s 6th grade class, we have learned a lot about pets and how to take care of them.

By having class pets, we learn about how they live and about their personality. My class learned a lot from all of our pets. First there is Rocky the turtle. Mrs. Matsuura got him when he was the size of a quarter. We learned about their life cycle and habits.

Then there’s Krilly and Bluey. Krilly is our last krill we have. In Hawaiian, they are called O’Pae. We used to have more krills but Mrs. Matsuura’s husband bought this special brackish water and added it to her small krill bottle and then they all started dying. Mrs. Matsuura told us to blame him because they were doing fine before that. It’s an interesting animal because they can live in their own ecosystems. We don’t need to feed it or anything!

Bluey is our huge blue lobster looking cray fish. He is really the color BLUE! He is special because he can live in both fresh and brackish water. He has big claws but is very gentle. We saw him take off his shell so we learned about that from Mrs. Matsuura.

Last are Mrs. Matsuura’s four cute BUNNIES! Thumper, who is her favorite, is a super chubby and grayish white rabbit. He is the friendliest bunny who loves one of the students in class—Keoki! Then there is mysterious Bandit who looks like she’s wearing a mask ready to steal something like a real bandit. Then there are Thumper and Bandits sons, Momo and Appa. Momo is super cute and is super overweight; while Appa is more like Bandit. Both have dark soft fur. I thought that was a bit strange because both Thumper and bandit are white. Mrs. Matsuura said that she was going to teach us about genetics and use the bunnies as examples.

This first quarter my class learned all about Mrs. Matsuura’s pets. She helps us learn how to take care of them. Now my whole class are bunny experts because we love to learn about them so much!!!

Written by Nicole 

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class

What’s it like to be President of a School?

What’s it like to be President of a School?

Hi Keoneula Cubs!
If you didn't know, I'm the president of the school. I'm here to talk to you about what it's like to be president.

Being a president is hard because we have a lot student council work and regular homework/classwork to keep up with. I'm responsible enough to do it. I showcase the IB Learner Profile, THINKERS on a daily basis.

For you 5th graders out there, I recommend you run for president because it's super fun but, you need to be responsible and a great leader. It’s fun working with Mrs. Saito. She's super fun and she makes us do fun activities. She is also nice too.

Something I like about being president is wherever I go on school campus, people know me. They say, “Hi President Sammy!” or “Hi Sam!” That just makes me happy. So that's what it is like being president!

By: Samantha 
Mrs. Matsuura’s class

Hi my name is Samantha and I am 11 yrs. old. I am in sixth grade Mrs. Matsuura’s class. I am the school president. I love the color blue and I love One Direction. I love to dance and be crazy!!! I love the beach and I love to rollerblade.

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class

Our favorite Pets! Rabbits!

Our favorite Pets! Rabbits!

Taking care of pets take a lot of responsibility. In class, our teacher emphasizes the IB Attitude, COMMITMENT a lot. She says that we all have to be COMMITED to learning new things, persevere, and show self-discipline through responsibility.

Keone’ula Elementary school shows a lot of COMMITMENT. We have school wide assemblies, commit to our school wide Reading Campaign goal, and try our best to showcase all of the IB Attitudes and Learner Profiles.

What is your favorite pet? H-102's favorite pet is obviously rabbits. Usually, our teacher brings one of her rabbits at the end of the week. She has a total of four rabbits. 

Everybody gets to spend time with the rabbit during the day. The rabbits actually make us work harder because Mrs. Matsuura only puts the rabbits by hard workers. Sometimes, one of the rabbits chews our papers on the corners. I think it’s trying to tell us that we are doing a good job. Or, it may be hinting that we are rushing and some of the answers are wrong. Either way, it forces us to look back at our entire paper and REFLECT a bit.

Also, we get to feed the rabbits nutritious food. Have you ever wondered about the health and life situations for rabbits? If you do, read on to the next paragraph. In class, my teacher has provided a lot of non-fiction “Rabbit Enthusiast” magazines. I did a lot of research and wanted to write about this important topic of keeping any pet (not just rabbits) healthy by keeping a BALANCED lifestyle.

One important part of a rabbits day is... playtime! According to a rabbit magazine, it says that a rabbits life can improve if it has playtime. There are many types of toys for rabbits to play with. Also, in the magazine, it says that a treat can help it start to exercise. In the magazine, it says that you can also make homemade toys instead of buying them. A rabbits instinct is to chew, run, burrow, and hide. Another thing that you can do to is to get a ball that can have food inside it. This will help it exercise because it will have to chase the ball to get the food. There are many things that you can do to help a rabbit exercise. Just remember that exercise will help it live longer and improve its life. 

Blurb about myself

My name is Charlemagne. My favorite subject in school is math. I also like to read the Gregor the Overlander series. Finally, I like to spend time with my family.

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class


by Dhaydren

In class, we learned that it is important to be BALANCED in life. Extra-curricular activities after school really help in making me be physically fit and work hard at school. I do as much work as I can in school so that I have time for practice after school. It’s sometimes very hard but I try my best!

Many kids at Keone’ula Elementary school also have extra-curricular activities after school and even on weekends. Some do soccer, football, baseball, cooking, dancing, art, and much more!

"Down, set, hut!" I am here to talk to you about football. Football is not only a boy game-it is also a girl’s game. There are 2 different kinds of football. There is regular football were you throw, catch, and tackle. The other football is called soccer. I am talking about where you throw, catch and tackle football.


There is high school football, college football, and professional football. A football player is what I want to be when I grow up. This is why I am talking to you about football.

A professional football player can get paid quite a bit of money. They can even get bonuses. I am going to make sure I do well in school, do well in college, and keep playing football because I love it so much. 


What is your favorite NFL team? My favorite team is the Seattle Seahawks. Who do you think will win the Super Bowl game? A Super Bowl game is when two best teams challenge for a trophy. Do you play football? Comment below and tell me what you like to do!

Thank you for reading my blog about football.

Hello, my name is Dhaydren . My hobbies are playing football and playing outside. My favorite food is spaghetti. My favorite dessert is ice cream.

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class

Hop, hop, hop! Slurp, slurp slurp!

Hop, hop, hop! Slurp, slurp slurp! 

What animal makes those sounds? Bunnies!!!!!!

My class teacher brings bunnies to class. Thumper, Bandit, Momo, and Appa. They are the cutest things ever!!!! There are so many things that you and I should know about rabbits. Did you know that the biggest bunny ever recorded is 23 pounds? He is from Germany and his name is Robert. He is huge!

I am being an INQUIRER!  I LOVE to research information on animals; especially rabbits! Kids in our class even borrow rabbit books from our school library. Then our teacher reads them to us before we end the day.

Now, let’s get serious. Rabbit care is a pretty serious thing. You need to take great care of pets and animals. You need to showcase the IB Attitude, RESPECT. You need to RESPECT other people and living things which include rabbits and other animals. 

Rabbits need to be carried properly. Some rabbits don't even like being carried. So you must be very gentle especially with big bunnies that could hurt you. You must carry him like a baby close to your chest. When I say close I mean that the rabbit should be able to hear and feel your heartbeat.

Let’s talk facts--Bunny facts. 
10 Facts about rabbits.

1. Their scientific names are leporidae
2. Rabbits enjoy social company of others, not just rabbits
3. Rabbits ears can be as long as 10 cm or 4 in
4. Rabbits teeth never stop growing
5. Rabbits cannot vomit
6. Rabbits can purr-similar to cats 
7. Predators can literally scare a rabbit to death
8. Domestic rabbits cannot breed with wild bunnies
9. The only place a rabbit can sweat is on the pads of its feet
10. Rabbits are awesome!!!! (Ok, this may not be a fact but in my opinion it is!!!)
My name is Elisa. I am 10 going on 11 in October. My favorite color is purple and I enjoy doing gymnastics. I have an older sister in high school. I live with my dad. I have been in the same school for 7 years, grade K-6. These are some things that you should know about me.

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Are you Organized? AVID Helps!

How Organized are you?

Have you ever wanted to be organized? Have you ever wanted to finish all of your pages to your math homework? If yes, then keep reading this entry!

Being organized is a skill you need to have if you want to get great grades. Trust me, I know!

Why? Well, when I was disorganized, I could never find any of my homework papers! I would have to start all over again, because I couldn't find them!
Especially with math, since we have to write them in order using our AVID 2 or 3 column notes. Since I always show my work, I have to use multiple papers. There was this one time when I had what it seemed like a million math papers!
I ended up losing one, and when I got to school I checked everywhere in my disorganized binder and I couldn't find it at all!

Do you know where I found it?

On my dresser in my bedroom! I had forgotten it and didn't put it in my binder! I had papers all over the place!
Well, I can tell you what. With these tips and instructions, you'll never have to go through what I had to go through!

Tip #1- Always have folders for everything. Whether it's Math, English, Social Studies (IB), or Science. I am really organized now that I have those kinds of folders. AVID is a great way for the kids to be organized and plan accordingly. I try not to procrastinate as much.
Tip #2. Always keep a neat space when doing your homework- You're bound to get everything done, and you won’t lose any papers.

Tip #3. Have a neat binder. Put due papers in the side pocket, buy a pencil pouch, and a planner with holes. Our school has a great planner and the cover of it is an art entry by one of my classmates; Erika!

I use the IB Learner Profile, BALANCED to put priorities on school work and having fun.

Your Writer, 

Blurb about Kayleigh:

Hi! I'm Kayleigh , Grade 6.
My hobbies include singing, dancing and drawing. See you next time!

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class

Rotations at Keone'ula Elementary!


My name is Kiilehua. I'm going to be talking about 6th grade rotations at Keone'ula Elementary!

There are five rotation classes that we have every Monday. We rotate to different classes like a real middle school! The classes are: CTE, STEM, P.E., ART, and HEALTH.

My favorite subject is P.E. because we get to exercise-it makes you become more healthy! Also, P.E. is super fun!

Last time, we played capture the flag and it was so funny! It also made me happy that I saw people getting their exercise and running all over the place. The kids were having a blast!

We love it when we play P.E.!

By: Kiilehua 
Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class

Classroom Jobs

Classroom Jobs

When you go inside H-102, you should look at the classroom job chart!  Do you know what a classroom job chart looks like?? All the teachers at Keone’ula Elementary School have job charts!
The classroom jobs are jobs for the students to do so they show that they have the responsibility to handle something.
In 6th grade, we do this because when the teacher is absent or has a meeting, the student's job is to play the role of their teacher and show the substitute. We are basically running the show and tell the sub what to do!

Here are some examples types of jobs:
Timer-He/she starts the timer for 1 minute so students can have a 1 minute cool down when coming back from recess and lunch. 
Fish feeders-Feeds and cleans the turtle and crayfish tank.
Substitutes- They have an important job. They help fill in ALL the jobs of other people when they are absent!

Why are Classroom Jobs so Important?
-Classroom jobs have a big responsibility.
-Kids have to do a lot, but it is still worth it to help your teacher.
-We do our jobs every day. We also change the job chart weekly. That way it is even and fair.
-Everybody gets a chance to get a job!

Please ask our teacher (Mrs. A. Matsuura) about more information about our fantastic classroom job chart! You will be very grateful when you ask Mrs. A. Matsuura about this information!

Thank you for reading this and aloha!

Written by Erika 

Facts about author:
Hi! Thank you very much for taking your time and reading this. I love to read and I love to write! I am very happy that you read this and I hope you enjoyed it!

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class


My class has a lot of animals. I can tell that my teacher is an animal lover. We have a crayfish and a turtle (which I’m going to talk about). Sometimes my teacher brings her bunnies. They are so friendly and cute! They are like her babies!

We have a turtle named, Rocky and I love him! Turtles are my second favorite type of animals. Rocky is a really cool turtle. He retracts his head in his shell. Rocky is a fabulous turtle because he never bites anyone-he is usually just really scared of you. When you hold him in your hand, you can feel his pointy toes! He is sometimes really jumpy.

I used to have a turtle. I don’t have one anymore.

Rocky is the greatest turtle I have ever met! Students in class are in charge of him. They clean his cage daily and feed him. It’s a lot of responsibility but it’s fun!  Some kids even got to take him home on the weekend.

I don’t get to go by him all the time because I know that I have to focus on my classwork. I think he’s saying, “Jaden! Do your work!” in a secret turtle language. When I think about it, it’s really funny.

Well, that is Rocky’s story-bye and happy face!

Are you an ANIMAL LOVER? Please comment below so I can see what your thoughts are! I show the IB Learner Profile, CARING with my love for all kinds of animals!

Blurb about Jaden:

Hi my name is Jaden . You might know me but if you don’t, here is a little blurb about myself.  I am in 6th grade. I am eleven years old and I love animals. I have one dog and one fish. My dogs name is Kona and my fish’s name is Doris. My hobbies are singing, dancing, and drawing. Ok, now that you know a little about me, I’m hoping that you’ll comment and let me know what your thoughts are! Be Happy!

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class


Have you ever heard or played Minecraft? Most people do. I’m one of them! I did a poll and pretty much everyone I know is familiar with this game.
On May 17, 2009, a Swedish programmer named Markus Perrson; otherwise known as "Notch" created a sandbox indie game called Minecraft.

Minecraft allows players to create things no one has ever seen before with 3D textured blocks in their inventory. They are randomly spawned in a 3D world surrounded by mobs (A.K.A creatures) like sheep, cows, pigs, horses, and more. At night, monsters lurk in the darkness waiting to hunt you down. The monsters can be creepers, zombies, & skeletons. They all have special abilities to catch you. For example, a creeper can blow up when provoked. Creepers are VERY popular!

There are two modes to play in, Creative and survival. Creative is more likely to be used to build awesome structures. It allows players to have an infinite supply of everything. Also, they are given the ability of flight. On the other hand, Survival mode is more challenging. As its name states, you're basically surviving. You have a health and hunger bar that increases and decreases according to what activity you are doing. Players hunger bar goes down when they sprint or lose health. Players lose health when they fall great heights or get attacked by some sort of mob. Along with your health bar going down, your hunger bar goes down too! The only way to regenerate (heal) is to get your hunger bar back up. In addition to all of that stuff, you need to collect wood, mine stone, smelt ores (melt the metals) in order to survive. Basically, Survival is a pain to play.

Minecraft never gets boring because every few weeks, there is an update that would add new things to your Minecraft game. Right now, the most recent update is 1.6.4.  It removes bugs. In 1.6, horses were added but they would lag your computer. So that's why 1.6.2 and 1.6.4 fix bugs.

A con about Minecraft is that it costs a lot to buy the full version. You need to pay $26.95. But once you buy it, you won’t regret it.
This game teaches you to be resourceful and use the IB Learner Profile, THINKER. It’s a pretty complex game!

That's pretty much all about Minecraft. I LOVE it!

By: Jayde 

Posted by Mrs. Aimee Matsuura's Class