Thursday, February 27, 2014



What's red, has one eye, and says good luck in kanji? Of course, it's a Daruma! A Daruma doll is a doll which has no feet or hands except for a nose, eye, and mouth. But what is it for? It is for making goals. Right now for Japanese class, we are making Daruma dolls from scratch. If you want to learn more, read on.

First I will show you how to make a Daruma doll. You need newspaper, one piece of paper towel, red paint, black paint, white paint, gold paint, paint brushes, coffee cups, a balloon, and cup holders. First you blow the balloon--not too big. Then rip strips of newspaper. Then you glue on the newspaper on the balloon like paper mache. Paper mache is a material that is made of paper mixed with water, glue, and other substances and that hardens as it dries.

Make sure you don't have any lumps or bumps because it's going to be both lumpy and bumpy. Next you will need to wait for it to dry. You will use your cup holders to put the daruma on and wait for to dry. Remember, it takes time to dry, so it might take a day to just get it dry. After it dries, make paper towel strips and put it on over the newspaper layer. If you didn't get to cover the whole thing, then you will need more paper towel strips. Then wait for it to dry again. 

Next you will need red paint, and white paint. Paint some of the white places with your red paint, but not the whole thing because it will be a red daruma. Then the little white space you have, you will paint it with the white brush. Then you will need to wait for it to dry. Next you get your black brush and draw the face with the black paint. 

You can use your gold brush to make designs on the red. Next when you make your eye, don't color both of your eyes because you didn't still complete your goal, so you will need to color in only in eye and leave a circle on the right side. Then wait for it to dry again. Next your coffee cups are important. You cut a hole on the bottom of your Daruma; not on the top of your Daruma. You get a small bell and put the bell inside your Daruma. Then you get a golf ball or any kind of ball and pound it in the cup. You put your coffee cup in the hole. Then you get your liquid glue and put glue on a small piece of felt. Then you paste it on top of the cup.

There! You are now done and have learned how to make your very own Daruma doll.

This shows the IB Learner profile, Thinker. I say this because Thinker exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions. Making a Daruma makes you think creatively and think about what goal you want to achieve

This shows the IB Learner Attitude, Creativity. I say this because you have the creativity to make the Daruma by yourself and show your own style of making your Daruma.

I hope you try to make a Daruma because I know you will like it and you get to have your very hand-made Daruma!

Thank you for reading this and see you next time!!!!(^0^)!!!!


Hi there! It's me, Erika. I hope you liked my blog about Daruma dolls because I loved it. I love reading books and I love to hang out with my family. I like it when we all play the Wii together. My favorite subject is reading and I love my brother. He is funny and cute!

Posted by Mrs. A. Matsuura H102

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