Thursday, February 27, 2014


Do you know what regifting is? Well, I'm going to tell you all about it!

Our whole class had a task to write an argument on what we think of regifting. Most of us didn't know what it was, so we read an article about it. We read about two opinions about this topic. One person said yes--it's fine to regift, and the other said no---it's rude!. 

In the "Yes" section of the article, it talked about why this person says that regifting is a bad idea. She talked about her past experiences and true stories about this system. None of her stories seemed happy and funny. They were all stories of heartbreak with regifting. One of the stories was about herself. It talked about how she bought her friend a gift and also how her friend gave it away to someone else. She spent hours and a lot of money to buy that gift and her friend just gave it away and had no hesitation to tell her. Another story was about a group of girls who wanted to make a surprise birthday party for their friend. They all agreed that a certain friend will buy the designer scarf that their friend wanted for a long time. They all pitched in their money to get the scarf and gave the money to that friend (the one that was supposed to buy the scarf). When the time came and the birthday girl opened her present, there was a really nice shirt in the box. One of the friends looked super disappointed and angry at the friend that got the gift. The reason why she was angry was because that was the shirt that she got for the girl that was supposed to get the scarf. She regifted that top and kept the money that all the girls gave her (to buy the scarf)! This story was the one that stuck out the most because I can't imagine someone doing that to a friend and the lady that said that regifting is bad thinks the same too. 

The other section of the story (the side that says that regifting is okay) gave good reasons too. In this article, she says that regifting is okay, as long as you never used it, it is brand new, and you didn't take it out of the box. She says that keeping something you don't want is useless and will just take up space. She also says that if you are not happy with that gift, and you regift it to someone who needs it, it will make that person happy. Isn't that what you want your gift to do? This section doesn't just talk about why regifting is okay, it also talks about how to regift and the different stages you have to go through or know if it is safe to regift.  It tells you how to re gift, who to give it to, etc. I am pretty sure that you may find this section of the article helpful (if you regift).

Now, this part is up to you! You need to decide what your stance is on regifting. There is no right or wrong answer in this. Your past experiences can also matter. We had author's chair and shared our responses. Our class had different sides on this topic as well. Some students say that regifting is wrong and others say that it is fine. The reasons that the students gave to support their side were really detailed and even got me to switch sides for a moment. If you regift at home that is fine, but if you don't, that is also fine. Just pick what is best for you and you may make your decision in no time!


Posted by Mrs. A. Matsuura H102

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